Which Social Media Platforms Are Right For My Business?

When a business wants to get into social media marketing, the first thought that comes to them is, “I have to be on every social media platform!” The truth is, you don’t have to be! With social media, it’s quality over quantity, and you want your content to be the best, which is why your company should master a few social platforms rather than 6!

How do you choose the right social media platform(s) for your business you might ask? Think about your target audience and how much time you’re willing to spend. Are you willing to post each day throughout the day or are you only willing to give up a couple of hours a week? Figuring out these things can help you determine the right strategy for you!

Here are 7 social media platforms and what they’re good for!


Facebook is one of the staples of social media marketing. With the largest number of followers and users (2.9 billion active monthly users), Facebook is great for building relationships and advertising. Because it has a large reach, advertisements on this platform have the chance to reach a large audience. 

As for demographics, Facebook is home to an older demographic. 56% of its users are over the age of 45, with 31% of users are between the ages of 25 to 34.


Instagram is another staple of social media marketing! Facebook and Instagram are owned by the same company (Meta), so posting to both platforms at once is easy! 

Since Instagram is visual, your brand should use this platform for aesthetic reasons. Instagram gives your brand a face since every post is a photo or video, so your business should utilize it accordingly. Instagram has also been used more and more like a shopping app, so if your brand has products, this is the perfect platform for you! Instagram has a shop in-app, letting you make your storefront come alive in minutes.

The demographic for Instagram is younger, with over half of its users under the age of 35, Instagram is awesome at targeting younger generations!


Twitter is a micro-blogging platform used for posting updates or news quickly. If your brand consistently pushes out information, Twitter is the place to be! 

Over 35% of Twitter users are between the ages of 25-34. Most of the content is text-based, so a focus on images is not as great as with some of the other social platforms! Twitter is short, sweet, and to the point, so you don’t have to worry about creating lengthy content. You can primarily concentrate on posting immediate information.


The world’s second-most used platform is one everyone knows! The video app is perfect for video content in all sorts of business niches! 

81% of Americans use YouTube, with 36% of adults using YouTube daily, so MANY people are using YouTube consistently. This social platform is helpful for building community. By showcasing behind-the-scenes content, product launches, and more, customers feel a closer attachment to your brand! 

YouTube is also a notable place for effective video advertising.


Primarily considered an aspirational and visual platform, Pinterest is used by many for inspiration for cooking, clothing, vacationing, and more! People utilizing Pinterest want to try new things and discover trends, so if you business and content shows well visually, give Pinterest a try. 

Pinterest is home to more women than men, with over 77% of users being women, and home to lots of people with purchase intent. Businesses that sell a range of products can benefit greatly from a range of in pin and catalog shopping tools.


One of the newest social media platforms, TikTok has become one of the hottest social media platforms out there! Made up of only short-form videos, TikTok is wonderful for showing brand authenticity and brand awareness. Because it is so fast-paced and trend-based, if your company decides to use TikTok in its strategy, you should prepare to monitor and post to the platform multiple times a week! 

TikTok is best for marketing to younger users, with 37 million Gen-Zers saying they use TikTok. People spend about 32 minutes a day on TikTok, which means TikTok comes in 2nd place to Facebook in dwell time! 

How-to-videos, interviews, and trend following content do well on TikTok. Do your research on similar brands to see what other people are doing with this rapidly evolving platform.


Perfect for business-to-business companies, LinkedIn is a work/career-oriented social media outlet. Most posts on LinkedIn consist of job announcements, company updates, and other professional and business news offering.

This platform is handy for businesses who want to cultivate credibility with customers and clients. If you want to increase B2B sales leads and your professional network, LinkedIn is amazing.

Businesses can post a variety of content including video interviews, statistics, company milestones, highlighting workers, events, and more! 

If your company is interested in taking your social media strategy to the next level, contact The Digital People today! As experts in digital marketing, we understand the best platforms and strategies that will appeal most to your customers. 

For more social media tips, check out Differences Between Social Media Posts & Social Media Ads.

(Source references: Searchenginejournal.com and Sproutsocial.com)

Picture of Jaze Dukes

Jaze Dukes

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