LinkedIn vs Facebook Ads for Businesses

LinkedIn Ads vs Facebook Ads for Businesses

When choosing to advertise online for your business you’re usually met with dozens of options, especially if you want to advertise via social media. Naturally, you want to get the best value out of your advertising dollars, so which option do you choose? In this article, we will share the differences between LinkedIn ads vs Facebook ads for businesses and how to know which is best for you.

When are LinkedIn Ads useful?

LinkedIn is a social media platform used by professionals and is known to be more of a business-to-business platform. It helps people and businesses post job openings, obtain leads, and connect with others. This platform has been around since 2003 and has over 310 million monthly active users.

Because LinkedIn is a great platform for businesses and professionals, ads targeted toward decision-makers and business leaders work great here. With LinkedIn, you can target specific professional criteria such as industry, job titles, and company size.

If your business targets professionals, B2B companies, or niche industries, LinkedIn ads may be more effective as they let you target the specific professional criteria mentioned above. For example, if you offer a service specific to marketing directors, you can target only those individuals on LinkedIn. This targeting can save you money in the long run as you won’t be spending your budget on the wrong target audience.

When are Facebook Ads useful?

Facebook, on the other hand, is a platform designed to keep friends and family up-to-date with each other. Businesses also have a Facebook presence and can post updates and other things about their company there. Facebook started in 2004 and has over 2.96 billion monthly active users, so if you want your ads to go to as many people as possible, Facebook ads could be the way to go.

Facebook can be great for business-to-consumer businesses because of the broader targeting that the platform has. Instead of professional targeting, Facebook allows you to target based on general interests, demographics, location, education, industry, and other general categories.


When deciding between LinkedIn vs Facebook Ads for your business, it’s important to remember these things: your target audience and what your ad is about. If your audience is parents of toddlers, they might be more likely to be on Facebook. If your ad is for hiring a new team member, you should probably consider LinkedIn.

Looking for assistance with social media advertising for your business? Look no further than The Digital People! Our team of digital marketing experts can help you with your social media advertising efforts, regardless of the platform you choose to advertise on.

If you’ve enjoyed this article, check out one of our other blog posts, “Why Online Display Ads?

Picture of Jaze Dukes

Jaze Dukes

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